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Our beloved users
Why Our Users Love CELUS
"Dedicated and supportive partner in data-driven decision-making"
"By choosing CELUS, libraries gain not only a robust reporting solution but also a dedicated and supportive partner in data-driven decision-making. The CELUS team has been incredibly supportive throughout the implementation process and beyond. Their responsiveness, expertise, and willingness to assist have made the transition smooth and have reinforced the value of the platform as a reliable and user-friendly solution.
One of CELUS’ standout features is the autonomy it provides in setting up SUSHI harvesting accounts, allowing institutions greater control over their data collection process. Additionally, CELUS offers broader platform coverage compared to other usage statistics aggregators we have worked with, ensuring a more comprehensive analysis of resource usage. A key advantage of CELUS is its ability to harvest both COUNTER-compliant and non-COUNTER usage data within the same platform. This integrated approach unlocks significant potential for deeper and more holistic analysis, helping institutions make data-driven decisions with greater confidence."
Katy Najafi
Manager, Collection Initiatives and Analysis The Australian National University Library
"Easy set-up, intuitive interface"
"After two cycles of subscription renewals using CELUS to inform decision-making and report usage, we've really appreciated the easy set-up, the intuitive interface, the ease of use, and your responsiveness to questions and suggestions. The site looks good, which is helpful when reporting to management. Thanks, CELUS!"
Cheryl Hamill
Head of Department, Library & Information Service South & East Metropolitan Health Services, Australia
"Permanently accessible, extremely flexible"
"CELUS brought us permanently-accessible, extremely flexible tools in terms of granularity, deeper views, selections, and so on.
As CzechELib consortium leader, before CELUS, we had to rely on statistics supplied by e-resource providers, which were only raw data and which were often provided late.
Using the same tools, all individual consortium members can analyse their own statistical data and can compare this with anonymized data from other consortium participants. The reaction to the introduction of CELUS was immediate, ranging from positive to enthusiastic."
Martin Svoboda
Director CzechELib Consortium
"Sustainable solution for harvesting, uploading, and reporting electronic resources usage data"
"We are pleased that we partnered with CELUS, and now we finally have a sustainable solution for harvesting, uploading, and reporting electronic resources usage data.
The training we received during the software's implementation was exceptional, and we continue to be impressed with their ongoing technical support."