Why "CELUS"?
An image illustrating that CELUS was created in a cooperation of Big Dig Data and CzechELib.

CELUS was developed in 2018 as an open-source project for CzechELib, the National Centre for Information Support of Research, Development, and Innovation, a consortium representing approximately 130 member institutions in the Czech Republic, by a private company Big Dig Data. The acronym “CELUS” stands for “CzechELib Usage Statistics.” Big Dig Data, as the name suggests, develops custom solutions for big data processing. The company is also an active member of the COUNTER Metrics Technical Advisory Group, enthusiastically participating in the development of the COUNTER Code of Practice (COP5).


Why "CELUS"?

CELUS was developed in 2018 as an open-source project for CzechELib, the Czech national consortium of academic libraries by a private held company Big Dig Data. The acronym “CELUS” stands for “CzechELib Usage Statistics.” Big Dig Data, as the name suggests, develops custom solutions for big data processing. The company is also an active member of theProject COUNTER's Technical Advisory Group, enthusiastically participating in the development of the COUNTER Code of Practice (COP5).

An image illustrating that CELUS was created in a cooperation of Big Dig Data and CzechELib.


COUNTER Metrics logo.

Ensuring compatibility with future COUNTER releases

It goes without saying that since we aim to be the #1 software for analyzing e-resources usage stats, we need to be active members of COUNTER’s Technical Advisory Group. We are participating in the development of the COUNTER Code of Practice itself, which makes us aware of any upcoming changes to the COUNTER format well in advance. Thanks to that, we can make sure CELUS will be always compatible with the latest COUNTER releases.
We are also very proud that we were asked by COUNTER to develop the new interactive Registry of COUNTER-compliant platforms.
The Registry is a great place for librarians to go to see reports supported by publishers plus required SUSHI information such as SUSHI credentials. CELUS integrates with the Registry and is automatically pre-populated with publisher SUSHI URLs. It can also tell you what parameters are required or what report types are available for a particular platform.
Screenshot of the COUNTER Metrics Registry.

Ensuring compatibility with future COUNTER releases

It goes without saying that since we aim to be the #1 software for analyzing e-resources usage stats, we need to be active members of COUNTER’s Technical Advisory Group. We are participating in the development of the COUNTER Code of Practice itself, which makes us aware of any upcoming changes to the COUNTER format well in advance. Thanks to that, we can make sure CELUS will be always compatible with the latest COUNTER releases.
counter project logo
We are also very proud that we were asked by COUNTER to develop the new interactive Registry of COUNTER-compliant platforms.
The Registry is a great place for librarians to go to see reports supported by publishers plus required SUSHI information such as SUSHI credentials. CELUS integrates with the Registry and is automatically pre-populated with publisher SUSHI URLs. It can also tell you what parameters are required or what report types are available for a particular platform.

Seamless integration with ConsortiaManager for in-depth
price-per-use analyses

Consortia Manager
CELUS features a cost analysis module where you can insert platform level pricing, enabling you to view price per search or price per full-text information, with the ability to also add weights to the metrics to make cost analyses more accurate.
Not enough for you? If you are looking for in-depth cost analysis for a particular platform (including at the title level), want to comprehend the history of your purchases comparing them to current usage and trends, you might want to try our latest integration with ConsortiaManager.
ConsortiaManager is a globally used e-resources management (ERM) workflow tool for managing subscriptions, contracts, invoicing, price negotiations and now—thanks to integration with CELUS—combining prices with usage data to clearly see if your investments in e-resources are translating into use by your community.

Seamless integration with ConsortiaManager for in-depth
price-per-use analyses

CELUS features a cost analysis module where you can insert platform level pricing, enabling you to view price per search or price per full-text information, with the ability to also add weights to the metrics to make cost analyses more accurate.
Consortia Manager
ConsortiaManager is a globally used e-resources management (ERM) workflow tool for managing subscriptions, contracts, invoicing, price negotiations and now—thanks to integration with CELUS—combining prices with usage data to clearly see if your investments in e-resources are translating into use by your community.
Not enough for you? If you are looking for in-depth cost analysis for a particular platform (including at the title level), want to comprehend the history of your purchases comparing them to current usage and trends, you might want to try our latest integration with ConsortiaManager.

Seamless integration with ConsortiaManager for in-depth price-per-use analysis

Consortia Manager
CELUS features a cost analysis module where you can insert platform level pricing, enabling you to view price per search or price per full-text information, with the ability to also add weights to the metrics to make cost analyses more accurate.

Not enough for you? If you are looking for in-depth cost analysis for a particular platform (including at the title level), want to comprehend the history of your purchases comparing them to current usage and trends, you might want to try our latest integration with ConsortiaManager.
ConsortiaManager is a globally used e-resources management (ERM) workflow tool for managing subscriptions, contracts, invoicing, price negotiations and now—thanks to integration with CELUS—combining prices with usage data to clearly see if your investments in e-resources are translating into use by your community.

Crafted by librarians, for librarians

CELUS was developed in cooperation with CzechELib, the Czech national consortium of academic libraries, with approx. 130 member institutions with an annual e-resources budget of $35M.
"As CzechELib consortium leader, before CELUS, we had to rely on statistics supplied by e-resource providers, which were only raw data and which were often provided late.Using the same tools, all individual consortium members can analyse their own statistical data and can compare this with anonymized data from other consortium participants. The reaction to the introduction of CELUS was immediate, ranging from positive to enthusiastic."
Martin Svoboda, Director of CzechELib Consortium

Crafted by librarians, for librarians

CELUS was developed in cooperation with CzechELib, the Czech national consortium of academic libraries, with approx. 130 member institutions with an annual e-resources budget of $35M.
"As CzechELib consortium leader, before CELUS, we had to rely on statistics supplied by e-resource providers, which were only raw data and which were often provided late.Using the same tools, all individual consortium members can analyse their own statistical data and can compare this with anonymized data from other consortium participants. The reaction to the introduction of CELUS was immediate, ranging from positive to enthusiastic."

Martin Svoboda, Director of CzechELib Consortium

Crafted by librarians, for librarians

CELUS was developed in cooperation with CzechELib, the Czech national consortium of academic libraries, with approx. 130 member institutions with an annual e-resources budget of $35M.
"As CzechELib consortium leader, before CELUS, we had to rely on statistics supplied by e-resource providers, which were only raw data and which were often provided late.Using the same tools, all individual consortium members can analyse their own statistical data and can compare this with anonymized data from other consortium participants. The reaction to the introduction of CELUS was immediate, ranging from positive to enthusiastic."
Martin Svoboda, Director of CzechELib Consortium
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